As we observe high school and club play, it becomes more and more obvious to us that the principles behind six-person volleyball rotations and stacks remain largely a mystery to even many advanced players. There are a number of reasons for this:
It’s somewhat complex and references a number of lesser-known volleyball rules
Club and high school coaches have limited practice time with their respective teams, so explaining how rotations work is just not among their top priorities.
Some coaches believes that most youth players are not capable of really understanding how rotations and stack actually work (we disagree), so they give the players instruction purely based on memory and tell them “just stand here in rotation #4.”
A strong grasp of these concepts is often experiential - to fully understand how it works, it’s best to “walk players through each rotation” so they can see/experience each rotation for themselves.
We’ve decided to try to address this head-on by conducting a volleyball rotation walk-through seminar. This event would be of interest to:
Anyone who has tried to learn this through videos/blogs but doesn’t quite “grasp” how it works
Intermediate/advanced players interested in learning about how rotations actually work
ANY developing setter
Aspiring coaches
This is NOT an official paid Elemisha event, and will mostly consist of:
Discussion (with handouts)
Example walk-throughs of each rotation
Execution drills to showcase how it all works
Some free play AFTER the walk-through
Study/preparation materials
If my daughter is currently playing on a team in her school season, would this violate any rules?
This is not an AAU or NCVA organized/coached event, so it does not represent a sanctioning body conflict in any way. This is essentially a seminar where we explain the various formation and positions, walk through where everyone goes, and run some scrimmage drills. There will be some open play afterward, but not in any coached format.
Can I invite folks to this event who are NOT Elemisha players?
Non-Elemisha players are welcome, and we are always looking for more participants , so feel free to forward out our event information.
Do I need AAU membership for this event?
This is a free, unofficial event, so you do not need AAU membership to participate. This also means that parents should read our registration waiver carefully, as it differs from our official event waiver.
Which position players should attend?
There is no position player that would not benefit from this event - at a higher level, all players should know what all other positions do.
Do we need to register?
Registration IS required for head count purposes.
Is this event appropriate for beginners?
Because it requires some previous on-court experience, this event is aimed at players who are intermediate level or above. This means that participants should have had some sort of organized coaching before.