Elemisha Volleyball ethos
We hit hard - always
Plenty of attackers are able to hit perfect sets well. We hit ALL sets with pace
We serve hard
We always pressure the opposing team
We better the ball
Every contact should be aimed at eventually producing an aggressive attack - this starts with trying to improve the quality of the contact with every touch
Everybody does everything
Every player will serve, pass, set, hit, dig, and block, irrespective of their native position
We expect every player to strive to improve in EVERY phase of the game, period
We try hard things
Set with our hands
Jump serve
Take aggressive swings
Chase down every ball on defense
Improve passing by understanding how to mitigate mechanical errors
Celebrate failure, because that is how we improve the breed
During our training, we are focused on improvement over winning
We always keep score in every scrimmage, but faced with a choice for an easy kill to simply score a point as opposed to a touch that will “improve the breed,” we always opt for the latter
EVERY player is a starter, always
There is no sitting on the bench in our program. Everybody participates in every drill and scrimmage, period.
We embrace positivity
Positive coaching
Positive player attitude - “I may not be good at this yet, but I’m going to be…..”
Positive results - our players improve in every phase of the game, period.
We will do math
We will understand the math behind volleyball
Pythagoras WILL be mentioned - multiple times