New for 2015!

Here is a list of changes to the program for 2015:

  • This year, in addition to our usual competitive focus, we'll be placing even more emphasis upon mechanics, techniques, and footwork.
  • We've pleased to announce that we have added Jamil Semaan to our ranks as one of our staff coaches!  Many of you will remember Jamil from last year's program.  Jamil will not only be assisting on the development/coaching side, but will also be doing some private lessons.
  • Elemisha Volleyball is now a paid program - it is no longer donation based.
  • We will cap our program at 32 this year (down from 40 last year) for the KUBWA high performance group.  Beyond 32, we will have a waiting list. This means that you should sign up earlier rather than later.
  • Registration is required for each event date - no exceptions.  We cannot accept any walk-up registrations this year.