Are beginners invited to participate in this program?
For the Training group - YES. For the Competition groups - NO. The current Competition group program is aimed at players who already have been in some sort of coached competitive environment. Basic ball control and rules knowledge are expected.
What is the attendance expectation of this program? Are players expected to attend EVERY date?
While this program is, by nature, sequential, we understand that summer is a busy time for families, and very few players can make every single date. Thus, while we certainly encourage players to attend as many sessions as possible, we offer "a la carte" event pricing. That said, players who attend more sessions typically improve much more quickly than occasional attendees due to increased exposure and number of “touches.”
How much actual court time do players get?
ALL of it. Part of the success of our program is based on the fact that, other than short breaks, ALL players are always engaged in setup, drills, coaching breakouts, water breaks, scrimmages, or takedown, period. No bench time for anybody, ever.
We've actually done some math for the Competition group - based on some statistics pulled from women's junior tournament play, here are the average numbers of active touches (does not include blocks) by position for a full day tournament. A full day tournament typically averages 10 games and requires about a 9 hour commitment.
- Outside hitters - 370 touches
- Setters - 680 touches
- Middle Blockers - 102 touches
In the 4 hour period of our typical Elemisha Volleyball event, each player will typically get 1000+ touches.
Does my son/daughter have to be a standout to participate in the Competition group?
Not at all. This is a skills building program. We want players with good attitudes who want to improve their play and are interested in competing hard every week.
We do NOT pay much attention to the following:
- height
- weight
- position
- fancy club or high school volleyball pedigree
We DO pay attention to these things:
- attitude
- coachability
- enthusiasm
- energy
- ball control
Do I have to be a member of some particular organization to participate?
Yes. ALL participants must register with the AAU. We handle this on our end when you register.
What are the age restrictions?
There are two different age/skill groups. Please see our COMPETITION GROUPS page.
Is there any specific equipment required?
No. We supply the field, balls, EZ-Up, and nets. Because this is will be in an outdoor environment on grass, we highly recommend that you arm your participants with
- sleeved t-shirts
- sunglasses
- sunblock
That said, we WILL have sunblock available at all times and will FORCE all youth participants to use it. Lastly, all youth players must have their parent(s) fill out and sign our Elemisha Volleyball Waiver.
Should I bring food, water/drinks, or ice?
We've got this all taken care of. We already supply water, sports drinks, snacks, and ice for these events, so please do not bring any of these items unless your participant has special dietary needs.
Do you have any recommendations for footwear?
We will be playing on grass - running or indoor athletic shoes are fine, cleats are preferred for ideal traction, barefoot is acceptable but not recommended - due to accelerated joint loading during play.